November 25, 2016
I asked my dad what he was doing the day after Thanksgiving because I was interested in exploring his favorite state park – Lake Lousia. I knew he would be the best guide because he has spent countless hours there; visiting, camping, and exploring the land. During our conversation he informed me that the best way to see the park was on horseback. This may be exciting for you but not for me, at all. The last time I was on a horse, which was the first time I went to that park, I swore was the LAST time I was going to be on a horse. I have never been a fan of riding them but I asked my dad to show me around so I figured I better see it the way it was intended!
We met early in the morning, loaded up the gear and horses and headed out. Dad gave me a refresher course on how to work the horse and then said something that changed everything – you’re the boss. What? The boss? If there is one thing I am good at, it’s being bossy! My whole perspective changed and the day was a great success. We rode for a couple of hours as my dad entertained me with his interesting stories about animal encounters on horseback verses when you are just walking. The park itself was very pretty and sectioned off. The first time I visited the park it was on the main side where the hiking trails are and the access to the lakes. The equestrian side was a bit more untamed. Hikers are still welcome but the pathways are not as clear. Of course my dad took us a little off course but then no adventure would be complete without a little rule breaking!
After we got back on track from being confused (not lost, never lost, just confused) we stopped to rest and let the horses have some water. It was time to head back to the truck and end the wonderful day at the park. I not only had the best of time hanging out with my dad in a world that he loves but I conquered my hesitation of horseback riding and opened myself up to an experience that will stay with me my whole life.