by Jenna Workman | Jun 28, 2021 | Florida State Parks
February 5, 2017 Start Parking with an 18 year old is a different experience all together! The night before we decided to head north and visit some of the parks I had missed the last time I was up there. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and...
by Jenna Workman | Jun 28, 2021 | Florida State Parks
February 4 & 5, 2017 After a great day of State Parking, Andrew and I arrived at the Suwannee River State Park and assessed our campsite. Once Andrew got over being appalled at all of the RVs, we got to work setting up camp. The tent I got from my friend Adam was...
by Jenna Workman | Jun 28, 2021 | Florida State Parks
February 4, 2017 Andrew and I arrived at Troy Springs to find it extremely quiet and the spring itself was closed to the public. At first we thought it was closed because it was not season but as we made our way down to the dock it was very apparent that something was...
by Jenna Workman | Jun 28, 2021 | Florida State Parks
February 4, 2017 Going with the flow seems to be a gift a person must possess when deciding to visit ALL Florida State Parks in one year. Originally, this day was planned to visit Ft. Meyers but all the campgrounds in that area were full. There were still a cluster...
by Jenna Workman | Jun 27, 2021 | Florida State Parks
January 28, 2017 Sometimes the best part of your day is the part you didn’t plan on! This has been a fact in several of my state parking adventures and it became truth once again when I arrived at Rainbow Springs. The day’s agenda of state parks was...