The Cedar Key Museum was pretty cool experience. It’s funny how some of the museums I want to explore and others I just don’t. I learned all about the history of Cedar Key, one of my favorite towns in Florida. I had never heard of Cedar Key until the day I visited the scrub and museum but as soon as I arrived I knew I loved the place. There is just a special kinda feel that the town has.
The Whitman home highlights the life of St. Clair Whitman who lived in Cedar Key in the late 1800s. He was very involved in the pencil mill and also the fiber factory but he was really known for his collections. His seashell and Native American artifacts are on display in his home and were once featured on National Geographic. It was a pretty neat experience to walk through his home and imagine what life was like back in the 20s.
Before you visit, make sure you check out the parks website for all of the up-to-date park information: