February 2018
I am pretty sure I had been talking about Ravine Gardens since the day I paid it a visit. It was the first park I really enjoyed. When reading about it a little more I found out it was best to visit the park when the azaleas were in full bloom which was anywhere between January and April. The park really was magical to me so I wanted to share it with Quin so he could see how special it was too. We decided to go the following year in February because it seemed like the best bet to catch the azaleas. There were a few azaleas out but I fear it we were not in time. I think we were a little too early for the explosion of flowers I heard so much about. Even though it was a bit chilly, we still managed to have a good time. We jumped across the bridges and searched all around for the spring. I just might have to drag myself out there one more time, may next time it will be in March!