The first thing I noticed when I pulled up to Eden Gardens State Park was the beautiful garden, filled with so many pretty flowers and Camilla bushes. Unfortunately they were not in bloom but thankfully so many other plants were. Casey and I took our time strolling through the garden, making sure we admired each colorful piece.
As we perused the grounds we came across the 1897 mansion, the Wesley House. It was a breathtaking building with a finely manicured lawn. The house was usually opened for tours but we were there on a holiday so they were not available. Plus, Casey is typically not welcome in a historic home. Lois Maxon has her family heirlooms and antiques showcased in the house so I am sure no dogs would be allowed, no matter how cute they are.
We walked around enjoying the peaceful morning, admiring all inches of beauty we came across. We spent a lot of time watching the fishermen in the distance, fishing from their boat in Tucker Bayou, and the birds doing a little fishing of their own too. We left just as a family was taking advantage of the big picnic area for their holiday party.
Before you visit, make sure you check out the parks website for all of the up-to-date park information: