Camp Helen State Park was such a nice treat for me. I loved walking around the grounds learning about the history. Before it was a state park the camp was used by the Avondale Textile Mills Company for their employee retreat. I think everyone in Alabama wanted to work for that company, just so they could go on the retreat.
Even though that is a cool part of the history, the origins of the camp are what is most interesting to me. The land was purchased by Robert Hicks & he began building the lodge in 1931, then he suddenly passed away and his wife Margaret had to finish building for her and her daughter. She did not quit building after that either. She built a few cottages for travelers to rent to help her with the expenses of life. I just find that to be so amazing. I love that story.
Many of the buildings have been restored and I took my time looking at all of them and reading about them. Over by the lodge there were people kayaking on Lake Powell, it was a very beautiful day. I took the pathway to the Gulf and even got to see some wetlands. Casey even enjoyed the leisurely stroll we took around the grounds. I enjoyed the whole property but I would say overall, the wetlands were my favorite part of the whole wonderful experience.
Before you visit, make sure you check out the parks website for all of the up-to-date park information: