I have to say, Gainesville is such a gorgeous part of Florida. The area is a gift and I get happy surprises every time I visit there. The day I discovered Devil’s Millhopper Geological State Park was not exception. When I arrived to the park my time was limited because the sun was going to set within an hour or so. I walked up to the visitors center and decided I would have time to read about the park later, I needed to just get over there and see it.
I got to the top of the staircase and all I could do was smile. The first thing I thought was it was a real life Ferngully, one of my favorite movies growing up. I finally got to go there and I did not have to leave Florida or get turned into a tiny cartoon character. There were waterfalls, big beautiful ferns, streams, rock walls, oh the beauty! There was a sturdy walkway to guide me to the bottom and several places to rest and take everything in. I could not believe my eyes. I felt like I was transformed into another work. It was so amazing there.
Devil’s Millhopper is not your average sinkhole. People have been going there, studying it sine the 1800s. They have found so many interesting things and things that can’t be explained. Many lore’s have been told about the sinkhole, plus it is huge, like 120 feet deep. I can tell you all about it and show you the many pictures I have taken but this park is something you have to experience first hand to full understand its magic.
Before you visit, make sure you check out the parks website for all of the up-to-date park information: https://www.floridastateparks.org/parks-and-trails/devils-millhopper-geological-state-park