The day before, Quin and I had such a great time exploring the area that Waccasassa Preserve was in that we simply ran out of time and could not get over to Haw Creek Preserve and boy am I so happy things turned out the way they did!
After I got off of work, we headed over to Bobby’s and found the truck loaded up with kayaks and Bobby’s. The younger Bobby (I call him little Bobby) is tall and fit and would never guess a big guy like that would act like such a baby when faced with Florida woods and water. He screamed and squealed at every noise and movement on the water. He was very entertaining, to say the least.
We stayed in the water until the lightening lit the sky but we still took a stroll on the boardwalk, in the rain. Little Bobby flipped out every time he spotted a spider and the first armadillo he got a glimpse at, he just knew it was an alligator. The best part of the walk was when Quin took a stick and touched the back of Little Bobby’s arm with it. That boy sure can jump!
We got to the end of the boardwalk and headed back to the truck. This was a really cool park that is a short drive from where I live. I am planning to revisit, as soon as mother nature is ready to let me back in!