May 27, 2017

The car was packed full and I was ready to go well before most people are even thinking about waking up on a weekday, let alone on a Saturday! It was Memorial Day Weekend and I learned a few years back that people LOVE to go to the springs on a holiday. Anywhere with water is popular for Memorial Day and the springs are a perfect place to have a BBQ with family and friends. With that said, I was the first person of the day to arrive at Madison Blue Spring. It is important to get to the first park of the day when it opens so there is plenty of time to accomplish all of the parks on the list!

Casey and I walked around the grounds and down by the spring. I am pretty sure we somehow ended up at the part where she was not allowed but she did not harm anything so it was fine. The water was pretty low at the spring but it was still really pretty there. I would say it is actually the prettiest spring I have ever seen. We followed a nature trail that was hidden between the pavilions and then headed back to the car.

Alfred B McClay Gardens was more than just some gardens. Pristine lake views and very clean grounds. I really enjoyed just walking around the lake. It was so peaceful. When I got to the gardens I discovered Casey was not allowed so I just took a quick look around the gardens and then went to the next park, hoping she would be welcomed there.

I am not saying that all mounds are the same but after visiting the first ones the rest have been similar in many ways. Don’t get me wrong, they are still amazing and the stories are fascinating but let’s face it, a mound of old bones is a mound of old bones! Casey and I climbed up to the top of both of the mounds that were accessible to us and then ventured off to our next set of parks!