It was very early in the morning as I made my way down A1A. The sky was a mixture between grey and blue. The rain was clearing but there was still water falling from it, lightly. As I drove I wondered where a state park could possibly be hiding and then, out of nowhere, it appeared, right in plain sight!
The ranger just opened the gate as I arrived. I sat in my car watching the ranger maliciously care for the park. He made sure everything was clean and in place before the madness of the day began. When I left my car, I walked along admiring how undisturbed the beach was – simply beautiful! As time went on, the rain had stopped but the sky was still gloomy. That may have actually enhanced my experience.
I walked towards the sand dunes, along the fence line. I took a stroll on the golden sand to the waters edge but I was too chicken to put my feet in. I walked along and then traced my steps back, leading to my car.