August 6, 2016

This adventure almost ended before it began! I was going out to see my Aunt Kym so I thought it would be a great opportunity to try out some parks in the Ormond Beach area. I could not find my pass anywhere! I wondered how could I lose something I have never even used. Frustrated I decided to give up and just meet my aunt and forget about the parks. During the ride out there, my friend Bryce convinced me to go to the parks since we were going to be out there anyways and so off we went. First stop, Addison Blockhouse!

We followed the GPS into a residential neighborhood only to find access to the ruins blocked! UGH. I automatically had dramatic thoughts. I swore there was some kind or curse or message from the universe that MUST be blocking me from living out me new dream! Bryce being Bryce pushed us forward despite my fit and off we went to the next park, Tomoka State Park.

We arrived at ranger’s station and I told him the sob story of my lost pass and he assured me that if I go back to Blue Spring the ranger there should be able to re-issue me another one. He quizzed me on how much I paid for my pass, and I must have given him the correct answer, he graciously gave us entrance into the park. It was nice and quiet there and I got to see a turtle buried in a hole. I am sure there was so much more of the park to see but I was still feeling frustrated so we basically took a look around by the water and headed back out. The distance between the parks was pretty short so we decided to head to the next one.

I had already been to Bulow Creek State Park earlier this year but that did not stop me from enjoying the majestic beauty of the Fairchild Oak once again. I will tell you that if you are following a GPS and you see the state park sign but the GPS takes you a little longer down the road, turn into the park! I could have stayed longer to enjoy the tree but I wanted to show Bryce the ruins since we were so close. The time was passing swiftly and the sun was staring to go down!

We rushed over to take a walk around the ruins before the park closed for the night. Walking up to the ruins the second time still amazed me. I was in awe of the beauty, the story, and the history. This made all of the shenanigans of the beginning of the day worth it. Visiting four parks in one day was an amazing way to start my journey through the Florida State Parks.! I am happy that I had Bryce with me for this first trip because he gave me the nudge I need to get me on my way.