Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve

Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve

I am very new to hiking and I honestly prefer to hike on a nice boardwalk or a defined walkway. With that said, Cedar Key Scrub was not the ideal setting for an afternoon hike for me. I walked into the scrub and only spent moments there. It looked like an incredible...
Cayo Costa after Ian

Cayo Costa after Ian

In recent years, I have become very obsessed with Shelling. My shelling experience has been very limited to pretty much Sanibel Island and I have been very pleased with my many findings. Since I have become obsessed I have found myself researching other places to find...
Silver Springs – Monkey Boat

Silver Springs – Monkey Boat

Most of my life I heard stories of the wild herpes monkeys that run free at Silver Springs and I have always wanted to see them. Legend has it that the movie Tarzan was filmed at Silver Springs in the 60’s and they brought in monkeys for the film. The thought was that...
Hontoon Island State Park

Hontoon Island State Park

Hontoon Island State Park is the closest state park to my house, about 10 minutes away. My goal was since I started my year journey was to I finished my goal at that park, on my actual birthday, July 25th, one year after I started my State Parking journey. I dreamt of...
Indian Key Historic State Park

Indian Key Historic State Park

It took me two attempts to go to Indian Key Historic State Park before I had success. The first time I tried to go to the park I did not realize it was accessible only by boat. The GPS kept trying to take me there but I could not find the road. Finally it dawned on me...