Silver Springs – Monkey Boat

Silver Springs – Monkey Boat

Most of my life I heard stories of the wild herpes monkeys that run free at Silver Springs and I have always wanted to see them. Legend has it that the movie Tarzan was filmed at Silver Springs in the 60’s and they brought in monkeys for the film. The thought was that...
Day Trip to Key West

Day Trip to Key West

I love Key West! Out of all of the places in Florida I would say Key West is my #1 favorite place to visit. Every time I go there I make elaborate plans to stay and live there forever. Of course I have never followed through with them, yet.  About a year ago I heard...
Everglades National Park

Everglades National Park

When I was about 19 years old, I was asked to go camping in the Everglades by my husband at the time. Now, 19 year old Jenna wanted nothing to do with the outdoors and she damn sure did not want to sleep outside with the alligators. I could not have been more scared...
The Ringling – Circus Museum

The Ringling – Circus Museum

Being a Native Floridian, I pride myself on knowing my state very well so it is always a wonderful surprise when I find a new and fun place to visit. On our way home from a getaway on the southwest coast of Florida, Quin mentioned a place called The Ringling in...