I visited Apalachicola on New Year’s Day in search of the John Gorrie Museum State Park. Right away I found out that small, historic town was like many others, closed on a holiday. There were a couple of eateries and shops open but most businesses we not. I headed towards the John Gorrie Museum and discovered it was closed as well. That was really disappointing because he looked like such an interesting person that brought a lot of good to the community. I would have loved to walk around inside, learning more about him.

I did get to walk around outside, in Gorrie Square, which I really enjoyed. I read the plaques and learned a little about John and his inventions and ties to Apalachicola. He was actually a pioneer in air conditioning and refrigeration because he was looking for a way to help his patience with yellow fever.  He did not find the cure with refrigeration but he did open the door to a world we could not live without, A/C. Sadly, he died all alone and poor. His gravesite is in Gorrie Square.

Before you visit, make sure you check out the parks website for all of the up-to-date park information: https://www.floridastateparks.org/parks-and-trails/john-gorrie-museum-state-park