August 13, 2016

June Bug and I left Wekiwa Springs and headed to Ocoee to get my Boogie boy (Andrew). He decided he wanted to go to Rock Springs with us so we pulled up the GPS and basically headed back to where we just came from. Who knew this wasn’t the same as the Rock Springs I always went to as a kid? There was a pay station and no map to tell us how to get to the water so they could go for a swim. I went the way of the GPS and it took us to some type of riding stables. Instead of asking for directions we decided to just go back out and call it a day. Remembering that I am not a quitter, I turned around and headed back to the park, this time the way Andrew suggested. This road ended at the start of a horse trail. I am sure the trail could be used for walking but I was letting hunger and frustration get the best of me so I threw my hands up and headed for the exit!

On the way out the man who was mowing the lawn decided to stand in the middle of the road, asking me to hit him with my car. Since June was in the car I stopped, inches from his legs. He proceeded to speak to me like I was a child, scolding me for not stopping at the pay station to get a ticket for the rear view mirror. He then informed me that I was exceeding the 25 mile per hour speed limit and that my pass was only good for me, not my family too and I owed the pay station $3. At that time, I informed him that I will not be paying for something I did not take part in and we drove away. Honestly, I had no idea that I had an individual pass and I needed to pay for extra people. I would have gladly paid if we would have actually made it out of the car but we didn’t. Plus, I did not like that man’s attitude and if children were not present that whole episode would have gone very differently.

I will most likely never return to that park.