Even though I was born in Central Florida and spent a lot of time exploring parts of the state throughout the years, I never spent any time in north Florida or the Panhandle. I had extra days off from work due to a holiday so I got a central campsite and spent several days getting to know that part of the state.
I guess I was just super excited to see the parks because I woke up before the sun. I got ready for the day and still had a lot of time on my hands so I decided to head the the furthest park from where I was staying, which was about two hours away. I had the timing all planned out to arrive right when the park opened but I did not calculate the Central Time Zone in those calculations. I arrived to the park before the ranger made it to the station but the gate was opened so I let myself in.
It was winter time and believe or not, it actually feels like winter when you are in the Panhandle. No one else was around and the park felt like it was at peace. I found a cool boardwalk that led me straight to the river. Guess what? They were right, the river was black and the water levels were extremely low! Typically the park was made for people to enjoy by canoe and kayak, but I am not sure the water was even high enough for that to happen. Luckily there was no one around to test it. I took full advantage of the low levels and went under the boardwalk, walking along the rivers edge. It was so beautiful and really neat to walk in areas that were usually covered in water.
As the morning went on the temperature started to rise but still not enough for me to even stick my finger in the water to see how cold it was. I really enjoyed my time at Blackwater but I know I need to make a plan to go back and enjoy the park at a time of years when others will be there to play too.
Before you visit, make sure you check out the parks website for all of the up-to-date park information: https://www.floridastateparks.org/index.php/parks-and-trails/blackwater-river-state-park